
Company name: MOLTO LUCE GmbH

Legal form: Limited liability company

Managing director: Fritz Eiber | Bernd Diesenberger, MBA | Wolfgang Brunmayr, MBA

Headquarters: Europastraße 45

ZIP / City: A-4600 Wels

Tel .: +43 (0) 7242 698-0

Fax: +43 (0) 7242 60 376



Commercial register number: FN 108421v

Company court: Wels regional court

VAT number: ATU 25093706


All contents of the website, layout and design were created with great care and are at the same time protected by copyright. The reproduction of parts of the website, in particular of texts or parts of texts, images, videos or graphic representations, unless explicitly stated, requires the prior written consent of Molto Luce GmbH. Using, changing and passing on images without prior consent is not permitted under any circumstances.

The operator of this website endeavors to observe the underlying copyrights for images and content accordingly. However, should there be a copyright infringement in individual cases, this was by no means intentional and the error will be corrected immediately after notification or a missing note will be added. For images that have been made available to the operator of this website by his suppliers for the purpose of promoting their products, the assumption applies that the supplier has clarified all usage agreements directly with the author and that this cannot result in any copyright infringement for Molto Luce GmbH.

Disclaimer of liability

The operator of this website assumes no liability for the completeness, correctness and topicality of the content, including technical product details. Liability claims against Molto Luce GmbH and its legally affiliated companies, which relate to material or immaterial damage and are based on the use of the content of this website, are fundamentally excluded.

All offers are non-binding. The operator of this website expressly reserves the right to change, add to, or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer or to temporarily stop publication without prior notice.


Molto Luce GmbH endeavors to ensure access to information / services for everyone. However, it is not possible to guarantee this with the current technical means.

We endeavor to ensure that our Internet offerings are as barrier-free as possible and are guided by the guidelines WCAG 2.0 AA of the WAI / W3C. We endeavor to continuously improve the accessibility in the PDF documents. Barrier-free access to the content of all PDF documents cannot yet be fully enabled with the resources currently available. Please let us know if you have any difficulties. We are happy to also prepare older documents in PDF format on request.

Reporting of barriers in the website

The offers and services on this website are constantly being improved, exchanged and expanded. Ease of use and accessibility are very important to us. If you notice any barriers that prevent you from using our website, we ask you to inform us about them. Please send all suggestions and questions by email to We are happy to explain our services through other channels. At this point we are happy to refer you to the Arbitration Board for Disability Equality of the Ministry of Social Affairs

Equal treatment

We try to use gender-neutral formulations as much as possible. If we do not succeed in this, the corresponding terms in the sense of equal treatment generally apply to both genders.


Concept, design and technical realization

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Molto Luce GmbH
Europastrasse 45, 4600 Wels
+43 7242 698-0