Qualitative lighting architecture in public buildings.

When it comes to designing public buildings today, the focus is now on a successful total architectural concept which also takes lighting into consideration. Similarly to company buildings, new or newly designed public buildings such as universities, schools, kindergartens, student accommodation, local authorities or tourist institutions also demonstrate that design flair and awareness of architectural details also lead to remarkable results in this field.

Positive effects come from public awareness, and image effect but are also the result of a superior quality aimed at improving security.

Molto Luce is an Austrian provider of high-quality lighting solutions for a wide variety of applications. Trust in an experienced partner who is able to confidently solve the complex tasks.
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Peter Sadlon
Peter Sadlon
Head of International Sales
+43 676 6980990 peter.sadlon@moltoluce.com
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Molto Luce GmbH
Europastrasse 45, 4600 Wels
+43 7242 698-0